“I remember so vividly the moment I heard the news. Stage 4 cancer. Pure panic and terror ran through my veins, and the instant feeling of dread, not knowing where to go or how to proceed. Luckily for us, we had access to an advocate. An angel. Candy Hammeras was able to connect us with the best possible doctors, researchers, and facilities within days. This team worked in collaboration every single day. We are forever grateful as this most certainly provided the best possible care available during the most difficult of times.”
— Cambria C.
“As a cancer survivor as well as a family physician that treats patients with cancer, I have seen and felt firsthand the fear and immobilization that is felt when faced with a life-threatening diagnosis. The ability to rapidly connect to top-notch cancer centers through a program like Hammeras Group is truly invaluable. Eliminating one of the biggest hurdles by determining the Who, the What, the Where… Allows the patients and their families to focus on the care and the healing needed during this scary time.”
— Dr. Linda D.
“My husband was diagnosed with an advanced aggressive malignant brain tumor at the age of 35. We had just switched to an HMO and went to a very good regional hospital for his initial imaging and diagnosis. We quickly realized that we needed to find people who had very specialized training and a lot of experience. Within four days of his initial imaging, we had opinions from research institutions and world-renowned neurosurgeons. We also got second opinions for his post-surgical treatment. It made him more relaxed and helped me to feel much more confident, as his caregiver, to know that some of the most experienced doctors who specialized in the brain were able to advise us on his care. Having an advocate who helped us make those connections, get seen quickly, and yet also get as much local treatment as possible to avoid extra cost and wasted invaluable time made a truly horrific diagnosis manageable and gave us the best outcomes possible.”
— Hannah C.